Resilient Ecosystems
Facilitators: David Obura, Stephanie Wear
Outline: This session will introduce a core set of resilience indicators of specific relevance to local level management and will provide guidance and experiential learning opportunities to improve understanding of how these can be applied and interpreted to support decision making. Participants will work through case studies, scenarios and activities to identify and communicate management decisions, and to explore barriers and capacity gaps for the effective application of this information at the field level.
Marine Spatial Planning
Facilitators: Tundi Agardy, Fanny Douvere, Vera Agostini
Outline: This session will demystify the rapidly evolving field of marine spatial planning (MSP) and follow through implementation, helping participants to understand the relevance and potential benefits of MSP for local level management. Through guided activities and interactive exercises, participants will evaluate how their site level activities (e.g. zoning) may be affected by the development of marine spatial plans, and will explore tools available for using the information coming from marine spatial planning exercises, and how this can be used to amend and adapt management processes.